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 Normally while using Telix with a remote host, your characters
 are not echoed by Telix. When you type a character, it is sent
 to the remote host, which checks it and then sends it back to
 you, and only then is it printed on your screen. However if
 two users want to chat with each other this becomes a problem,
 because each user's software expects the other side to echo
 the characters back, and since it doesn't, nothing is printed.
 Telix has a special Chat Mode to deal with this.
 When you press Alt-Y Telix enters Chat Mode. Any characters
 you type are printed on your screen immediately, without hav-
 ing to be echoed by the other side. As well, it takes only a
 Carriage Return to advance to a new line, a Line Feed charac-
 ter is not needed immediately afterwards. Telix also splits
 the streams of text. Any characters you type are displayed on
 the bottom half of the screen, while the characters coming
 from the remote side are displayed on the top half of the
 screen. When you wish to exit Chat Mode, press the Esc key.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson